Alhough Samuel G. Turner was the master of Nat Turner starting around 1807, Nat does not appear in his will, which was executed in 1822. It is possible Nat was already in the process of being legally transferred to Thomas Moore.

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Will of Samuel G. Turner, January 9, 1822
[p. 134] In the name of Samuel G Turner of Southampton county and parish of Saint Luke’s being in sound mind and memory to make and ordain this my Last will and testament in manner and from following, first and principally I bequeath my soul to almighty God who gave it me and for my worldly goods which I possess I dispose of them as follows-
Item 1st I give and bequeath to my Loving wife Elizabeth Turner the following property mainly two negroes Ephraim and Jordan and horse called [illegible], also one Gray horse whose [illegible] fifty barrels corn five stacks of [illegible] the whole of my kitchenware [illegible] my sitting chairs one chest of drawers one pine chest three [illegible] one side table one bed and furniture [illegible] one pan [illegible] one kettle and brass kettle [illegible] and china [illegible]
2nd I send to my loving wife Elizabeth Turner my kindred plantation containing these hundred and sixty three acres also three negroes named Nancy, Milly & Myrick during her [illegible] life
3rd I give and bequeath to my daughter L Rebecca Jane Williamson one [illegible] table to her and her heirs forever. I wish and decide that my wife should keep the [illegible] property in her possession until the said Rebecca Jane Williamson marries or [illegible].
4th I give and bequeath unto my loving daughter Coley Turner one bed and furniture one [illegible]the same to stand in my house as they are until she arrives of age or marries to her and her heirs forever.
5th It is my desire that my negroes Tom and Bridget may remain on the land on that they now are.
6th I give and bequeath to John C Turner my part of land [illegible] in the possession of Elizabeth [illegible] if he makes himself satisfied with the guardian [illegible] to him and his heirs forever.
7th Now it is my [illegible] that if my Daughter Polly C Turner departs this life under age of eighteen years or without marriage that my estate be equally divided in the children of John C Turner and the whole of the children of [illegible] her children included and also the children of Susan Barbete who was formerly Susan Turner to those and those heirs forever. Lastly I do consummate and appoint my friend Laurence Cook and John Spencer my whole and [illegible] exectors to this my Last will and testimony [illegible] all others before made [illegible] my hand and soul this 9th day of January 1822 signed sealed and acknowledged
in presence of John Rogers Sam G. Turner
Nathaniel Newsom
Will Book 9, Southampton County, Virginia, 1812-1828: Pg. 134