Trial of John O. Donnelly and Edwin Gray, March 20, 1832
[March 20, 1832]
[p. 162] John O. Donnelly who stands charged with the murder of Peg a slave late the property of Edwin Gray at the plantation of the late Thomas Gray of this County [Southampton] was this day set to the bar in the custody of the Jailer of the County (the Court summoned for his examination having failed to meet) and thereupon sundry witnesses were sworn and examined touching the prisoner and the Attorney for the Commonwealth and the prisoner by his Council fully heard. The Court from all the circumstances of the case are of opinion and do accordingly order that the prisoner be discharged from farther prosecution for the said supposed offence—
Edwin Gray who stands charged with the murder of Peg a slave late the property of the said Edwin Gray at the plantation of the late Thomas Gray of this County was this day set to the bar in the custody of the Jailer of this County (the Court summoned for his examination having failed to meet) and thereupon sundry witnesses were sworn and examined touching the prisoner and the Attorney for the Commonwealth and the prisoner by his Council were fully heard. The Court from all the circumstances of the case are of opinion and do accordingly order that the prisoner be discharged from further prosecution for the said supposed offence—
Court Minute Book, Southampton County, Virginia, 1830-1835, p. 162.