Claims & Petitions
In the months after the rebellion, several Southampton County slaveholders petitioned the Virginia legislature to be compensated for slaves that were killed during the attempt to suppress the revolt.
Some of the slaves were rebels themselves; owners asked for reimbursement on the grounds that they would have received payment had their slaves been tried and executed through formal judicial procedures.
Other slaves were bystanders killed in the crossfire or by militia who in the confusion mistakenly identified them as rebels. Thomas Fitzhugh’s slave was killed while actually defending the home of Fitzhugh’s neighbor Dr. Samuel Blunt.
Whether the slaves had sided with the rebels or with the slaveholders, the General Assembly denied all requests for compensation from owners of slaves who had been killed.
Petitions and Supporting Documents
Petition of Peter Edwards, November 21, 1831
Petition of Levi Waller, December 12, 1831
Petition of Richard Porter, December 12, 1831
Petition of Piety Reese, December 29, 1831
Affidavit: Howell Harris, Henry Moore, Richard Moore
Petition of Elizabeth Turner, December 29, 1831
Affidavit: Sampson C. Reese and John H. Barnes
Petition of Thomas Fitzhugh estate, December 29, 1831