Richmond Constitutional Whig,
August 29, 1831
Sunday night, 28th—
“Gen. Eppes reports to the Governor by express from Head Quarters, at Jerusalem, Southampton, that there is no longer any danger in that country or its vicinity, and there is not the least danger of the renewal of the disturbances.
“The insurgents all taken or killed, except Mr. Turner the leader, after whom there is a pursuit.
“The troops will be discharged shortly.
“The Gen. reports 48 prisoners.
“The Richmond Troop is at Head Quarters, officers, and members, all well and in good spirits.”
Monday morning, 29th—further report from Gen. Eppes.
Every thing perfectly quiet—a few more prisoners had been taken. The General, whose duties must have been most arduous, has personally examined the country for several miles around—established communications with the militia force of the neighboring counties, and adopted the most effectual measures to give quiet and security to the country.
Monday, 29th, Gen. Brodnax, who had reported to Greensville, and assumed the command of the portion of his Brigade, which he had at…Ford, reports to the Governor that he has discharged the 66th and 96th Regients. Brunswick was with the Greenville militia, had instantly turned up upon information of the disturbances in Southampton. The officers detached by Gen. B. to Southampton, report to him that the scene of the murders is perfectly quiet, and free from… marauders. No murder or other injury committed or attempted, since Monday last. All these have been killed or taken, with the exception believed from the statement of prisoners and the information, of from four or five who had retreated to a swamp, and will probably be taken… ringleader, who calls himself General,… to be a Baptist Preacher—a great enthusiast, declares to his comrades, that he is commissioned by Jesus Christ, and proceeds under his inspired directions—that the late singular appearance of the sun was the sign from him,&c &c.—is among the number not yet taken. The story of his having been killed at the Bridge near Jerusalem and of the two engagements there, unfounded it is believed he cannot escape.
The General is convinced, from various sources of information, that there has existed no great concert among the slaves—circumstances impossible to have been feigned, demonstrate the… ignorance on the subject, of all the slaves in the counties around Southampton, among whom he has never known more perfect order and quiet to prevail—that it is most to be regret- [p. 55] ted, that on the general alarm, the extent of the insurged force should have so long continued unknown, not been so much exaggerated. He believes, that at some point in time, a force of 20 resolute men, confronted and could easily have put them down.
The highest approbation is expressed of the admirable conduct and spirit of the militia, who has every where turned out with the utmost… and given the most unquestionable evidence of their ability, instantly and effectually to put down every such attempt. The 66 and 96th Regiments assembled and marched from Brunswick upon Southampton, by different routes, in 20..[illegible] from the time the intelligence reached them—part of them from a distance of 30 miles.
A fine troop of cavalry from Mecklenburg, reported to General B. for service, on the 25th.
The families who had fled from supposed danger and taken refuge at Hicksford, Greensville, were generally returned to their homes.
From Henry Irving Tragle, The Southampton Slave Revolt of 1831: A Compilation of Source Material (Amherst, MA: The University of Massachusetts Press, 1971), pp. 54-55.