The Path of the Rebels
Scroll over each image to follow the path of the rebels as they traveled from farm to farm on August 21-22, 1831.
Click on an image to enlarge it.
Click on the links to read documents related to what happened at each location.

The original band of rebels met here and had a feast of roast pig and apple brandy on the afternoon of August 21.

Around 10pm, the seven men made their way to the Travis farm. About 1am, they entered the house through the attic. There they killed Joseph and Sally Travis, Sally's son Putnam Moore (Nat Turner's legal owner), and Joel Westbrook, a teenaged apprentice.

Nat Turner remained in hiding for more than nine weeks. The hiding place he stayed in the longest was under a pile of fence rails not far from Cabin Pond.

The original band of rebels met here and had a feast of roast pig and apple brandy on the afternoon of August 21.