Carolina Centinel (New Bern, N.C.),
March 17, 1821
100 Dollars Reward
RAN AWAY from the subscriber, in March, 1818, a negro
man named DICK, about 25 years of age, five feet ten inches high, of a black complexion, very well made, and plays on the violin. He left me in Greene county, passed through Pitt, and was traced to Bertie county from whence he was originally brought. I have understood he was raised by Moses Sumner, of Hertford county, and said Summer sold him to John Williford of Bertie, by whom he was sold to Giles Driver of said county, from which last owner he was bought by the subscriber, of Greene county.
Any person who will apprehend said negro and confine him in any jail so that I get him again, shall be entitled to the above reward, exclusive of all reasonable expences.-- I forewarn masters of vessels and all other persons from emyloying [sic] or harboring said negro under the penalty of the law.
March 15, 1821